Teacher Training

Our motto

Become a Successful Teacher

Throughout the years, I have grown my passion for teacher mentoring to the extent of making dreams come true, giving birth to TeacherTraining.com.ar


Our constant engagement with teacher development opportunities allows us to feel proud of your career path in teacher training areas.


Keeping up-to-date becomes a must for 21st century educators, and results in our main institutional aim.


Our teacher development proposals are not only accessible but also adapted to teaching reality in the area. Upcoming online and face-to-face encounters are to be found here.

Teacher Training

Teacher Training

Teaching is a meaningful and long- lasting role which should be enriched and empowered continuously.

A teacher is an essential part of the educational system, not only for academic reasons, but also for being responsible for healthy emotional growth and development of students. In general, we regard teachers as already in the classroom being relatively successful; but the focus should be placed on their initial and ongoing teacher training.

We invite you to visit what we have prepared for you.

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Our Blueprint

Throughout the years, I have grown my passion for teacher mentoring to the extent of making dreams come true, giving birth to teachertraining.com.ar, which is aimed to go together with teachers of English and teachers-to-be along their professional development path building awareness, knowledge and expertise that will enrich their classrooms and consequently lead them to become greater teachers.

This website intends to gather all present and new trends in teaching English, inviting varied lecturers to become part of our project. Anyone visiting the site may encounter paid proposals as well as free material. If you have any queries, please contact us immediately. If not, relax and be part of this network knitted from my heart to you.

Enjoy it!
Prof. Ana Claudia Alvira.

Teacher Training

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Thanks for sharing the same passion. Thanks for following our core belief to mentor new teachers and energize experienced ones. Thanks for growing together.

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Diseño y programación BarilocheWeb.com.ar